Dienstag, 2. April 2013

Lektine und die Blutgruppendiät

Ich wünschte, es würde mehr solcher Ärzte geben. Dr. Kaslow hat eine Praxis in Kalifornien, wo er ganzheitlich behandelt: Ernährung, Entgiftung, Emotionen... Er weiß, dass die Balance wichtig ist und behandelt nicht nur Symptome.
Hier beschreibt er zum Beispiel, dass an der Blutgruppendiät von d'Adamo was dran ist: In einigen Lebensmitteln sind bestimmte Lektine enthalten, die den Blutgruppen-Antigenen A oder B ähneln, und dann vom Körper attackiert werden. Wenn man zum Beispiel etwas isst, was ein Lektin enthält, dass dem Antigen der Blutgruppe A ähnlich ist, und man selbst aber Blutgruppe B hat, dann will der Körper das abstoßen.
Einige Lektine werden durch Kochen zerstört, aber nicht alle, wie z.B. in Weizen, Mais, Bananen und Karotten. Die Lektine mit den wahrscheinlich negativsten Auswirkungen sind vor allem in Getreide, Hülsenfrüchten und Wurzelgemüse zu finden.

Vielleicht sollte ich doch einmal meine Blutgruppe ausfindig machen.

Your blood type (O, A, B, or AB) may play a role. Your blood type is a genetically determined characteristic of your immune system that affects your response to viruses, bacteria, chemicals, foods, and stress. Persons with blood type "A" carry the "A" component (called an antigen) on their red blood cells just as "B" blood types carry "B" antigen. Persons with blood type "A" have antibodies against "B" blood components while blood type "B" persons have antibodies against "A" blood components.Many foods contain "lectins" similar to the "A" or "B" components/antigens on red blood cells. As a result, certain foods can trigger the anti-A or anti-B effect on the immune system just as when a transfusion of the wrong type of blood occurs. For example, milk has a B-like antigen that, if exposed to the immune system of an "A" blood type person, will cause an anti-B reaction.The word lectin is derived from the Latin verb "to choose." Lectins are defined as molecules of non-immune origin that bind to specific carbohydrate receptors with high affinity. In the laboratory tests, lectins behave very similar to antibodies. In fact, lectins (PHA, Con A, PWM, etc) are used in immunodiagnostic studies to determine cell-mediated competence. Lectins bind to virtually any cell in the body and most enzymes and thereby alter their antigenic composition and thus the immune system's recognition of the cell or protein.It is known that 95% of the food lectins we eat are not absorbed into the body and are either digested as a nourishing food or are excreted. Most lectins are destroyed by cooking, but some such as lectins in wheat, maize, bananas, and carrots not only survive cooking but may be enhance by it. Five percent, however, are absorbed into the blood stream and become attached to cellular receptors, which then become targets for the immune system to attack, just as if the wrong blood serotype is transfused. The resulting autoimmune reaction may involve virtually any organ system in the body. Because lectins bind for very long time and they bind to tissues with very slow turnover they have been used to produce animal models of chronic rheumatoid arthritis, extrinsic allergic alveolitis, malabsorption of B12, and acute enteritis. Most of the famous lectins are derived from grains, legumes, and tubers. For example, gluten is a lectin that has been associated with celiac disease. Over 100 common foods have been shown to carry lectins, but the list is growing.

Auch hier gibt es eine gute Übersicht über Lektine (auf deutsch), und was sie verursachen können. 
Wahrscheinlich wurden sie von den Pflanzen als Fraßschutz entwickelt.

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